Sunday, June 7, 2020

What Game of Thrones Teaches Us About Applying To Business School

Many of you watched the Game of Thrones finale this past weekend. As you start working on your applications to business school, you would be well-served to keep Tyrion Lannister’s words in mind. There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story.             Tyrion Lannister A good story can make the difference between being an admit and not in the highly competitive world of MBA admissions. It’s probably not that hard for you to imagine that many applicants look similar on paper. GMAT scores, GPAs, types of work experience, post-MBA goals. So how does an MBA hopeful stand out from the crowd? One way is by telling your story. Are you worried that your story will sound like everyone else’s? That’s possible, but if you dig deep and think really hard about who you are and what’s brought you to the point you’re at today you just might hit on something compelling, even if it isn’t the most unique. You might need a little help sifting through the details and stories of your life to identify key themes to highlight. That’s something an admissions consultant can help you with. The story you tell doesn’t have to be something the admissions committee has never heard. However, it should be genuine and heartfelt, with concrete details and specific examples. A good story has a hook, beginning, middle, and end and more importantly connects with the reader by being about something interesting or important. So whether you’re working on HBS’s essay question â€Å"As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program?† or any of the other essay prompts out there keep the following in mind as your write your essays and craft your entire application: Figure out what your story is Tell it well Veritas Prep has helped people just like you discover their story and produce top-notch applications, gaining them admission to the most selective MBA programs in the world. Contact us today to find out how we can help you. Give us a call at (800) 962-2069 or fill out this quick form to schedule a free MBA consultation, where we’ll review your applicant profile and give you actionable advice for your unique situation. Sign up to receive future blog articles

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